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竞价限价盘的英文可以用“At-auction Limit Order”来表示,其英文释义如下:

An At-auction Limit Order is an order with a specified price input during the Pre-opening Session. A Buy Order with a specified price higher than or equal to the final Indicative Equilibrium Price (IEP), or a Sell Order with a specified price lower than or equal to the final Indicative Equilibrium Price will be matched at the final Indicative Equilibrium Price. Any unfilled At-auction Limit Order in Pre-opening Session will be converted to Limit Order and carried forward to the Continuous Trading Session. If the order remains unfilled in the Continuous Trading Session and it is within the permissible price limit, it will be automatically carried forward from Continuous Trading Session to the Closing Auction Session. The system will treat all such orders as at-auction limit orders.




对于沽盘而言:1 (一经系统接纳该买卖盘进行对盘)在该范围内,首先跟当时买盘价配对,然后顺序跟下一个较低价格的买盘配对,直至跟低于当时买盘价四个价位或指定价格(取较高价者)的买盘配对;2(若未能进行对盘或有余额未获配对)该买卖盘或该买卖盘的余额将被视为指定价格的限价盘。

增强限价盘的英文可以用“Enhanced Limit Order ”来表示,其英文释义如下:

ELO will allow matching of up to 10 price queues (i.e. the best price queue and up to the 10th queue at 9 spreads away) at a time provided that the matched price is equal to or better than the limit price. The sell order price of an ELO can be matched up to 9 spreads lower than the current bid price but not a price of 10 spreads (or more) below the current bid price. The buy order price can be matched up to 9 spreads higher than the current ask price but not a price of 10 spreads (or more) above the current ask price. Any unfilled quantity of the ELO after matching will be converted to a typical Limit Order at the limit price specified previously for further matching.



特别限价盘的英文可以用“Special Limit Order ”来表示,其英文释义如下:

A special limit order has no restriction on the input price as long as the order input price is at or below the best bid price for a sell order or at or above the best ask price for a buy order.



During the Pre-opening Session and the Closing Auction Session, the system accepts at-auction and at-auction limit orders only.


During the Continuous Trading Session, the system accepts limit, enhanced limit and special limit orders only, with an option for an "All-or-Nothing Qualifier" that confines the order to be either executed immediately in full or rejected, without being written into the central order book.
