财报中的“purchase method of accounting”和“pooling of interest method”分别是什么意思?如何翻译比较好?

财报中的“purchase method of accounting”和“pooling of interest method”分别是什么意思?如何翻译比较好?


1 个回答

purchase method of accounting指购置法记账;盘购法记账。

公司合并时所采取的一种会计处理方法,在收购公司的账面上记录购买或交换被购公司资产的总价值,所买资产的公平市价与买入价之间的差额被录作商誉〔good will〕,pooling of interest method相对。

Purchase acquisition accounting is a method of reporting the purchase of a company on the balance sheet of the company that acquires it. It treats the target firm as an investment. There is no pooling of assets. Rather, the assets of the target firm are added to the balance sheet of the acquirer at a price that reflects their fair market value. This, in turn, increases the acquirer's fair market value. Liabilities of the target are subtracted from the fair value of the assets.

pooling of interest method指权益结合法,亦称股权结合法、权益联营法。


Pooling of interests is a method of accounting where the assets, liabilities, and reserves of two combining business entities are summed and then recorded at their historical values. It differs from the purchase price technique, wherein the assets and liabilities of the transferor firm are recorded at their market values. Pooling of interests is often employed in mergers, while the purchase method is used in the case of acquisitions.



The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group. 


The accounting treatment of the Company’s interest in Listar before and after the acquisition shall remain unchanged i.e. the Company will consolidate the accounts of Listar by means of “Purchase Method” under HKFRS 3 – Business Combinations and HKAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements.

