reinsurance company是什么意思,求解释?

reinsurance company是什么意思,求解释?


1 个回答

再保险公司(reinsurance company或reinsurance)也称分保或“保险的保险”,指保险人将自己所承担的保险责任,部分地转嫁给其他保险人承保的业务。再保险业务中分出保险的一方为原保险人,接受再保险的一方为再保险人。再保险人与本来的被保险人无直接关系,只对原保险人负责。作为保险市场一种通行的业务,再保险可以使保险人不致因一次事故损失过大而形成对赔偿责任履行的影响。在再保险经营实务中,一般有三种再保险安排方式可供选择:临时再保险,合同再保险,预约再保险。临时再保险,指对于保险业务的分入和分出,分出公司和分入公司均无义务约束的一种再保险安排方式;合同再保险也称固定再保险,指分出公司和分入公司对于规定范围内的业务有义务约束,双方均无选择的一种再保险方式;预约再保险,指分出公司对合同规定的业务是否分出,可自由安排而无义务约束,而分入公司对合同规定的业务必须接受,无权选择的一种再保险安排方式。为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Reinsurance is insurance that an insurance company purchases from another insurance company to insulate itself (at least in part) from the risk of a major claims event. With reinsurance, the company passes on (“cedes”) some part of its own insurance liabilities to the other insurance company. The company that purchases the reinsurance policy is called a “ceding company” or “cedent” or “cedant” under most arrangements. The company issuing the reinsurance policy is referred simply as the “reinsurer”. In the classic case, reinsurance allows insurance companies to remain solvent after major claims events, such as major disasters like hurricanes and wildfires. In addition to its basic role in risk management, reinsurance is sometimes used to reduce the ceding company's capital requirements, or for tax mitigation or other purposes.


For the purposes of section 9(4) of the Act the Company has no power to:

(a) carry on banking or trust business, unless it is licensed under the Banks and Trust Companies Act, 1990;

(b) carry on business as an insurance or as a reinsurance company, insurance agent or insurance broker, unless it is licensed under an enactment authorising it to carry on that business;

(c) carry on the business of company management unless it is licensed under the Companies Management Act, 1990;

(d) carry on the business of providing the registered office or the registered agent for companies incorporated in the British Virgin Islands; or

(e) carry on the business as a mutual fund, mutual fund manager or mutual fund administrator unless it is licensed under the Mutual Funds Act, 1996.



(b) 以保险或再保险公司、保险代理人或保险经纪人的身份开展业务,除非其获得授权其开展该业务的法令规定的许可;

(c) 经营公司管理业务,除非其获得1990年《公司管理法》规定的许可;


(e) 以共同基金、共同基金管理人或共同基金行政管理人的身份开展业务,除非其获得1996年《共同基金法》规定的许可。
