1.Presumption of innocence
“疑罪从无原则”是无罪推定原则的一个派生标准。由于现有证据既不能证明被追诉的被告人的犯罪行为,也不能完全排除被追诉被告人实施了被追诉犯罪行为的嫌疑,根据无罪推定原则,从诉讼程序和法律上推定被追诉被告人无罪,从而终结诉讼的行为的法律原则。从这一意义来看,可以说我国的“疑罪从无”和“疑罪从有”其实是和“无罪推定”以及“有罪推定”原则是相对应的。且,经搜索,China Daily官网上的《新中国人权事业发展70年白皮书(双语全文)》及其他官方译文中有将“疑罪从无”译为“presumption of innocence”。“疑罪从无”可处理为“presumption of innocence”,与“疑罪从有presumption of guilt”保持对应。如:
China implements the principle of presumption of innocence to prevent and correct miscarriages of justice. From 2013 to March 2019, people’s courts at all levels acquitted 5,876 defendants, ensuring that no one should be prosecuted without criminal evidence. Wrongful verdicts on 8,568 criminal cases were overturned, including 49 major cases concerning Hugjiltu for rape and murder, Nie Shubin for rape and murder, and Zhou Jikun, Zhou Jiahua, Zhou Zaichun, Zhou Zhengguo and Zhou Zaihua for murder.
2.Innocent until proven guilty
如果某一句话中同时出现“疑罪从无”与“无罪推定原则”,若均将其译为“presumption of innocence”,会导致意思不够明确,因此,在这种情况下,可采用常见的对“疑罪从无”的另一种译法,即“innocent until proven guilty”。其英文释义为:In court of law, the accused person is presumed innocent at the start. The burden of proof always rests on the accuser, not the accused. The jury will not convict the person unless the proof is clear。(在法庭上,被告最初是被假定为清白的。寻找证据的责任在原告而不在被告。除非证据充足,陪审团不会认为被告人有罪。)由其英文释义可看出,将“疑罪从无”处理为“innocent until proven guilty”亦是合适的。
By stringently adhering to judicial principles such as no penalty without a law, innocent until proven guilty, evidentiary adjudication, and open hearings, people’s courts need to engage in resolute efforts to prevent and rectify miscarriages of justice, thereby maintaining public confidence in our efforts to promote the rule of law.
3.此外,在China Daily中,对“疑罪从无”还有另一种译法,即“in dubio pro reo”。如:
The reform of the judiciary has been driven to a deeper level, with improvements in the allocation of judicial powers and responsibilities, judicial accountability and opening-up, and the protection of lawyers' right to practice their profession. Channels of public participation in justice have been expanded, and the judicial protection of human rights has been improved. China has implemented a case-filing register system, revamped and improved its litigation system, and strictly enforced principles of legality, in dubio pro reo, exclusion of unlawful evidence.