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陪审制度是国家审判机关在进行审判时,吸收非职业法官的普通公民为陪审员参加案件审理,与法官共同行使审判权的制度。在我国,这些非职业法官通常被称为人民陪审员,在德国,他们被称为Schöffe,也就是lay jurist或assessor,在日本,他们被称为saiban-in,这些共同点中的细微差异都是我们在翻译法律文件中遇到“陪审”、“陪审员”时需要特别注意的。在下文中,笔者对笔者在翻译某一学术著作时遇到的与“陪审”相关的问题进行了分析,以期将合适的词放入合适的位置,准确传达原文作者的想要传达的信息。



暂译:In China, these systems mainly cover the assessor system, the public trial system, Ma Xiwu trial mode, the people’s supervisor system, the mechanism of litigation and mediation docking, multi-mechanism for dispute resolution.





The assessor system

暂译:The assessor system is a system that aims to have more lay people join in trial organs and hear cases with professional judges. Currently, most countries in the world have set up the assessor system. This system has two operation modes: one is the jury system adopted in the common law system in which the jury determines facts and the judge applies laws; the other is the lay assessor system adopted in the civil law system in which professional judges and lay assessors form a hybrid court to hear cases.



暂译:Marx once noted that the proletariat could use the jury to serve for the interests of the oppressed proletariat and the masses. Engels also pointed out that judicial power was the direct property of citizens and citizens realized this power through their jurors, and “this has not only been proved by the principle itself, but by history”. Lenin also clearly noted that the political significance of the jury was to make it clearly to the people through the nature of judicial democracy that the participation of people’s representatives in court proceedings was undoubtedly the beginning of democracy, and that without the participation of the ordinary people, litigation would be a farce of “officials trying officials”, which would affect not only judgments but also the general nature of pretrials and court trails.


1. 我国的陪审制度指的是人民陪审制度,官方译文为“the people’s assessor system”,但原文1中译员将其译为了“the assessor system”,原因如下:(1)此段内容与下文相当于是总分的关系,而在下文(即原文2)对“陪审制度”进行介绍时,可以发现,这里的“陪审制度”并不仅仅指中国的陪审制度,而是就整个世界范围而言的(如:在全球范围内,大多数国家都设有陪审制度)。但“人民陪审员the people’s assessor system”为中国特色,因此在这里将“陪审制度”译为“the people’s assessor system”并不合适。


经搜索,可以发现德国等大陆法系国家中的陪审员多用(lay assessor 或lay jurist)一词来表达:


Schöffe, in Germany, a lay jurist or assessor assigned primarily to a lower criminal court to make decisions both on points of law and on fact jointly with professional jurists. A Schöffe may also sit on a higher court.


因此,译员在这里将“陪审制度”译为“the assessor system”,以在准确表达其含义的基础上将其与中国的陪审制度进行区分。原文1中还提及了“参审制”,参审制是指在审判过程中按照一定比例由人民代表参与审判,与职业法官组成合议庭,共同就法律问题和事实问题行使审判权的制度,它属于“陪审制度”的一种,为将其与“陪审制”进行细微区分,译员在assessor前加上了lay一词,将其译为了“the lay assessor system”。


2. 原文3中关于前苏联的陪审制度为“assessor”还是“jury”这一问题,通过Google查证,译员最终确定该陪审制度为陪审团制度并将其译为“jury”。搜索结果如下:


In 1864 trial by jury was established for the first time in Russia. It was an integral part of democratic reforms carried out by Alexander II, the tsar who released peasants from serfdom in 1861. At the same time an Office of Public Prosecutor and the Bar were introduced. The criminal investigation was delegated to investigators who were the members of the circuit courts. The judges became non-removable and formally independent. A system of Justices of the Peace was created.

(The reasons for reintroducing trial by jury in Russia

Sergey A. Pashin)


发布于 2021-09-29 18:13:50