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交通肇事罪,其英文表达为“crime of causing traffic casualties”,指违反交通运输管理法规,因而发生重大事故,致人重伤、死亡或者造成重大公私财产损失的行为;危险驾驶罪,其英文表达为“reckless driving”或“dangerous driving”,是在醉酒状态,或者以追逐竞驶、严重超载、违法运输危险化学品等方式在道路上驾驶机动车,并危及公共安全所构成的犯罪。




A person who violates the laws and regulations on administration of communications or transportation, thus causing a serious accident and resulting in serious bodily injury or death or serious losses to public or private property, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if he flees after causing a communication or transportation accident or has any other especially flagrant circumstances, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years and; if his fleeing causes another person’s death, to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years.












The main purposes of the Road Traffic Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2008 (the Bill) are to increase the penalties for the traffic offences of drink driving and dangerous driving causing death, to impose mandatory attendance and completion of driving improvement courses (DICs) on certain traffic offenders and to extend the Probationary Driving Licence scheme (PDL scheme) to cover novice drivers of private cars and light goods vehicles.

2008 年道路交通法例(修订)条例草案 ( 条例草案 )的主要目 的,是提高酒后驾驶及危险驾驶引 致他 人死亡这两项罪行的罚则,以及强制 规定某些触犯交通罪行的人修习和完成驾驶改进课程,并把暂准驾驶执照计 划扩大至涵盖私家车及轻型货车的新手司机。

Apart from proposing an increase in the penalties for the traffic offences of drink driving and dangerous driving causing death, the Administration has also proposed to impose mandatory attendance of driving improvement courses (DICs) on certain traffic offenders, and to extend the Probationary Driving Licence scheme (PDL scheme) to cover novice drivers of private cars and light goods vehicles so as to further enhance road safety.


In 2000, we amended the penalties on fines and disqualifications when we abolished the offence of “reckless driving causing death” and replaced it with “dangerous driving causing death” to instill more objectivity in the test of the driving behaviour or standard.

为了让有关的驾驶行为或标 准有较为客观的举证,我们在二零零零年废 除 鲁 莽驾 驶引致他 人死亡 罪行,并以 危险驾驶引致他人死亡 取代,当时一并修订有关 罚款及取消驾驶资格的罚则。

发布于 2022-03-30 17:17:55