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校园欺凌,英文表达为school bully,是发生在校园内外、以学生为参与主体的一种攻击性行为,它既包括直接欺凌也包括间接欺凌。校园欺凌不等同于校园暴力,校园暴力包含校园欺凌,而校园欺凌是最常见的一种校园暴力

性骚扰,英文表达为sextual harassment,指以带性暗示的言语或动作针对被骚扰对象,强迫受害者配合,使对方感到不悦。任何性别的人都有可能是性骚扰的受害者。按照行为方式分类,性骚扰可以分为言语性骚扰、行为性骚扰、环境性骚扰;按照发生场所分类,性骚扰可以分为校园性骚扰(sexual harassment on campus)、公共场所性骚扰、职业场所性骚扰、家庭性骚扰、网络性骚扰。

性侵害,英文表达为sextual assault,性侵害涉及各种非意愿的性接触和被强迫的性行为,包括强制性交、强迫亲吻、性骚扰、性虐待,露阴、窥阴等在司法判例上也可能被算作性侵害。《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》(2020修订)的第五十四条明确提出禁止对未成年人实施性侵害。



Shools shall stop bullying behaviors of students immdiately and notify parents or other guardians of minor students who bully or are bullied to participate in the identification and handling of bullying behaviors.



Schools and kindergartens shall establish a work system for the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment of minors.


Schools and kingdergardens shall provide age-appropriate sex education to minros and inprove their awareness and ability of self-protctions against sextual assault and sextual harassment.




A person who rapes a woman by force, threat or any other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than tne years.


A person who has sextual relations with a girl under the age of fourteen years shall be deemed to have committed rape and shall be sentenced heavily.


A person who , under any of the following circumstances, rapes a woman or has sextual relations with a girl, shall be sentenced to fix-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life inprisonment or death:

1、强奸妇女、奸淫幼女情节恶劣的;to rape a woman or to have realtions with a girl with flagrant circumstances;

2、强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的;to rape several woman or to have sextual relations with several girls;

3、在公共场所当众强奸妇女的;to rape a woman in a pulic place;

4、二人以上轮奸的;to rape the same victim in succession by two or more persons;or

5、致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的。To cause severe bodily injury or death of the victim or any other serious result.



A person who acts indecently towards or insults a woman by force, threat, or any other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than fie years or criminal detention.


A person who, by means of gathering a crowed or in the public place and in public, commits a crime under the preceding paragarph, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.


A person who acts incedently towards a child shall be sentenced heavily in accordance with the provisions of the proceding two paragraphs.


We have to understand that this is a behaviour among students, and through "healthy campus" and school education on moral education, we hope to help them realize the standards that their behaviours should reach so that they will have fewer misbehavious, thus reducing the number of school bullying cases.


Direct discrimination based on sex also includes sexual harassment or less favourable treatment of a person in connection with pregnancy and child-birth, parenting, performance of family obligations or other circumstances related to gender.


It also developed and sent to OHCHR (United Nations special procedures) urgent appeals on torture and other serious violations of the rights of children in various countries, including in respect of the legality of a detention; assault, ill treatment and torture by officials; administrative detention; abusive arrest and detention; torture in police custody; sexual assault, killing, disappearance, reprisals and threats; the risk of impunity; harsh repression of peaceful demonstrations; and violations of due process.


发布于 2022-04-27 15:57:57