非法集会、游行、示威罪(Crimes of unlawful assembly, procession and demonstration),是指对集会、游行、示威的负责人和直接责任人员,举行集会、游行、示威,未依照法律规定申请或者申请未获许可,或者未按照主管机关许可的起止时间、地点、路线进行,又拒不服从解散命令,严重破坏社会秩序的行为。
Where an assembly, procession, or demonstration is held without applying in accordance with the law or the application has not been approved, or the start and end time, place, and route approved by the competent authority, and refusal to obey the order of dissolution, which seriously disrupts social order, the assembly or procession shall be punished. , The person in charge of the demonstration and the person directly responsible shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.
Article 337 of the Criminal Code, which contains a broad definition of the crime of sedition, was often used to prosecute people who peacefully took part in demonstrations.19 Similarly, article 331, by introducing the crime of “illicit meeting or demonstration”, allowed the prosecution of those participating in demonstrations where someone else is carrying weapons, or explosives of any nature, regardless of the fact that the accused may not have been aware of, or able to do anything to alter the conduct of other demonstrators.
同样,第331 条提及“非法集会或示威”罪行, 该 条规定,不论被告是否了解或能够采取行动,改变其他示威者的行为,只要有 人携带武器或任何性质的爆炸物,都可以对参与这类示威者进行起诉。
Furthermore, the protests resulted in the frequent closure of schools: 120 separate instances of school closures were reported, of which 36 were related to the series of protests, rallies and demonstrations organized by UCPN-M and its sister organizations.
此外,这些抗议活动已导致学校经常关闭;已 报道有 120 次个别的学校关闭事件,其中 36 次与尼泊尔联合共产党-毛主义及其 姊妹组织举办的一系列抗议、集会和 示威游行 有 关。
In other words, as a legal measure the state of emergency no longer jeopardizes the exercise of individual and collective liberties, which are now governed by laws and regulations that deal with specific aspects, such as public meetings and demonstrations, or the activities of political parties and those of associations, to name but a few.
换言之,紧急状况作为一个法律措 施 不 再危及个人和集体自由的行使,目前 由关于处理具体问题的法律和规章管辖个人和集体自由,譬如公众集 会和示威 游行,或者政党活动和协会活动,仅举几例。