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故意损坏他人财物罪,英文表达为:The crime of intentional destruction of property,即故意毁坏财物罪,是指故意实施毁灭或者损坏公私财物,数额较大或者有其他严重情节,从而构成的犯罪。





[Crime of Intentional Destruction or Damage of Property] Whoever intentionally destroys or damages public or private money or property, if the amount involved is relatively large or if there are other serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, or criminal detention or be fined; if the amount involved is huge, or if there are other especially serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.







The offences that young people commit are primarily trifling ones such as travelling without a ticket, slandering, brawling, buying hashish, theft, vandalism or minor break-ins.

2011 年,在希腊共和国、斯洛伐克共和国、埃及阿拉伯共和国 、 意 大 利 共和 国、荷兰王国、黑山、立陶宛共和国的大使馆内发生 了 损坏物 品 和 破 坏财 产 的犯 罪事件。

In second and third place among German children are vandalism and bodily harm; among non-German children bodily harm was in second place and vandalism in third.

位居第二和第三位的犯罪行为 分别为:德国籍儿 童是损坏他人财物和身 体伤害,非德国籍儿童为身体伤害和损坏他人财物。 

发布于 2022-06-27 17:45:37