保密协议,confidentiality agreement/NDA(non disclosure agreement),是指协议当事人之间就一方告知另一方的书面或口头信息,约定不得向任何第三方披露该等信息的协议。负有保密义务的当事人违反协议约定,将保密信息披露给第三方,将要承担民事责任甚至刑事责任。
The parties may not disclose or improperly use the trade secrets or other confidential information that are obtained in the course of concluding a contract, regardless of whether the contract is ultimately formed or not. The party that discloses or improperly uses such trade secrets or information and thus causes losses to the other party shall bear the liability for compensation.
State organs and the chartered institutions assuming administrative functions as well as their staff shall keep confidential the privacy and the personal information of natural persons known to them during the performance of their responsibilities, and may not disclose or illegally provide it to others.
confidential relation 信托关系;信任关系。指一方信赖另一方所形成的正式或非正式的信托关系,存在于当事人与律师、委托人与代理人、主债务人与保证人、房东与租户、父母与子女、监护人与被监护人、夫与妻、被继承人与继承人、受托人与信托受益人、遗嘱执行人或财产管理人与债权人、受遗赠人和被分配人、被任命人与任命人、合伙人与共有人等之间。由于信托人完全依赖和信任受托人,有的还处于弱势从属地位,法律要求受托人以最大诚信处理受托事务,不得滥用和损害信托人的权益。
confidential communication (有特权的)私密谈话;私密通信。指配偶、医生和病人、律师与当事人及忏悔人与神父等人相互间的交谈。在英美证据法上,此种谈话内容受特权保护,特权享有人,即配偶一方、病人、当事人、忏悔人等有权在法庭上不予披露并制止与其交谈的对方披露谈话内容。但如双方交谈时有不必要的第三人在场,则此种谈话不受特权保护。
This Code does not limit the obligation of any partner under existing non-compete, non-disclosure or other employment related agreements to which the partner is bound or the Company’s policies which cover the partner.
对于 任何工作伙伴根据当前非竞争协议、 保密协议 或 其 它与雇佣相关的协议所必须履行的义务或 本公司政策所规定的义务,本守则不予限制。
Targeted at share of single or strategic cooperation projects and customer resource information and avoid
disclosure of customer information, we will sign Nondisclosure Agreement in advance and treat all business and technical information provided by customers as confidential and keep well.
针对单独的或者战略意义上的合作项目以及客户资源信息的共享,避免出现客户信息泄露,我们提前签 署 保密协议, 对 于客户所提供的所有商务以及技术方面的信息,我们都视作机密信息,妥善保管。