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劫持航空器罪(crime of skyjacking/offence of the hijacking of aircraft/unlawful Seizure of Aircraft),是指以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法劫持航空器的行为。


1、Skyjack:to commandeer (an aircraft), usually at gunpoint during flight, forcing the pilot to fly somewhere other than to the scheduled destination

2、Air piracy:the crime of attacking ships in the sky in order to steal from them




Whoever hijacks an aircraft by violence, coercion or any other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; If serious injury or death is caused to a person or serious damage to an aircraft, he shall be sentenced to death.








Acts of violence, detention or depredation committed against vessels or aircraft may, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code, constitute offences of the hijacking of aircraft (article 121), the hijacking of vessels (article 122), the destruction of means of transport (article 116), or robbery (article 263), etc.


The following terrorist offences are also criminalized under criminal law: facilitation of terrorist activity (art. 205.1), public calls to carry out terrorist activity or public justification of terrorism (art. 205.2), hostage-taking (art. 206), organization of, or participation in, an illegal armed formation (art. 208), hijacking of aircraft, ships or rolling stock (art. 211), attempts on the lives [...] of State or public officials (art. 277), forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power (art. 278), armed revolt (art. 279) and attacks on internationally protected persons or institutions (art. 360).

刑法》还将下列恐怖主义罪行定为犯罪行为:为恐怖活动提供便利(第 205 条第 1 款),公开呼吁开展恐怖活动或公开为恐怖主义辩护(第 205 条第 2 款),劫持人质(第 206 条),组织或参与非法武装队伍(第 208 条),劫持飞机、船舶或铁道车辆(第 211 条),企图威胁国家官员或公职人员的生命安全(第 277 条),暴力夺权或暴力把持权力(第278 条),武装叛乱(第 279 条)以及袭击国际受保护人员或机构(第 360 条)。

Both eventualities were covered in her country’s domestic legislation, in relation to such crimes as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, forced disappearance, trafficking in persons, piracy, air piracy, and participation in international criminal organizations.


发布于 2022-08-30 11:15:34