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民事主体依照法律规定或者按照当事人约定,履行民事义务,承担民事责任(civil liability)。


(一)停止侵害; cessation of the infringement;

(二)排除妨碍; removal of the nuisance;

(三)消除危险; elimination of the danger;

(四)返还财产; elimination of the danger;

(五)恢复原状; restoration;

(六)修理、重作、更换; repair, redoing or replacement;

(七)继续履行; continuance of performance;

(八)赔偿损失; compensation for losses;

(九)支付违约金; payment of liquidated damages;

(十)消除影响、恢复名誉; elimination of adverse effects and rehabilitation of reputation;

(十一)赔礼道歉。 extension of apologies.



二人以上依法承担按份责任,能够确定责任大小的,各自 承担相应的责任;难以确定责任大小的,平均承担责任。

Where two or more persons assume shared liability in accordance with law, each person shall bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault if such share can be determined, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined.



Where two or more persons assume joint and several liability in accordance with law, the right holder has the right to request some or all of them to bear the liability


The persons subjected to joint and several liability shall each bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined. A person who has assumed the liability more than his share of fault has the right to contribution against the other person(s) subjected to the joint and several liability.


In particular, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not submit material that is (i) copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner (ii) a falsehood or misrepresentation (iii) offensive, unlawful, harmful to minors, obscene, defamatory, libellous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or that encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, violates any law, or is otherwise objectionable; (iv) an advertisement or solicitation of business; or (v) impersonating another person.


(Responsibility and Liability) Attribution of responsibility, due diligence, liability for high-risk activities and civil liability are no doubt critical issues to be considered in connection with the State’s obligations under preceding paragraphs 19 to 23.


This assistance covers all areas of nuclear law such as nuclear safety, nuclear security, safeguards, and civil liability for nuclear damage, and is provided through international, regional and national workshops and seminars, bilateral assistance in drafting national laws, training of individuals and the development of reference material.


发布于 2022-10-30 12:24:29