合伙合同(partnership contract)是两个以上合伙人(partners)为了共同的事业目的,订立的共享利益、共担风险的协议。合伙人应当按照约定的出资方式、数额和缴付期限,履行出资义务。合伙人的出资、因合伙事务(partnership business)依法取得的收益和其他财产,属于合伙财产。合伙合同终止前,合伙人不得请求分割合伙财产。
A partner who makes a decision on the partnership businesses shall obtain unanimous consent of all the partners, unless otherwise agreed in the partnership contract.
The partnership businesses shall be jointly managed by all partners. One or more partners may be authorized to manage the partnership business in accordance with the partnership contract or the decision made by all partners; and the other partners shall cease to manage the partnership business, except that they have the right to supervise the management.
Where the partners manage the partnership business separately, the managing partner may raise objections on the matters managed by the other partners, in which case, the other partners shall suspend the management of such matter.
The sharing of the profits and allocation of losses of a partnership shall be in accordance with the partnership contract; where there is no such an agreement in the partnership contract or the agreement is unclear, the partners shall make a decision through consultation. Where such consultation fails, the partners shall share the profits and assume the losses in proportion to their paid-in capital, or share the profits and assume the losses in equal share if the proportions of their paid-in capital cannot be determined
The partners shall bear joint and several liabilities for the partnership obligations. A partner who has performed the partnership obligations in excess of his share has the right to indemnification against the other partners.
Where there is no agreement between or among the partners on the term of the partnership, or the agreement is unclear, if the term cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the partnership shall be deemed as a partnership with an indefinite term.
If a partner continues to manage the partnership business upon expiration of the term of the partnership, and the other partners fail to raise any objection, the original partnership contract shall continue to be valid, but with an indefinite term.
A partner may dissolve a partnership contract with an indefinite term at any time, but the other partners shall be notified within a reasonable period of time in advance.
Where a partner dies, loses capacity for performing civil juristic acts, or is terminated, the partnership contract is terminated, unless otherwise provided in the partnership contract, or it is inappropriate to terminate the contract due to the nature of the partnership affairs.
Upon termination of a partnership contract, after paying the expenses for termination and discharging the partnership debts, the residual assets of the partnership property, if any, shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Article 972 of this Code.
SEC certification of registration of registration including articles of incorporation or articles of partnership of the investee firm upon incorporation and any amendments thereto, as applicable.
With reference to OECD subparagraphs 69.1 to 69.3, on the treatment of partnerships (omitted in the conference room paper for the session), it was decided to include them and subsequently to include the view of those who did not agree with the approach taken under the OECD Model Convention, as follows: “Some members of the Committee of Experts were, however, of the view that a special rule is required in a convention to provide such a result.