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无因管理,英文表达为negotiorum gestio,是指没有法定的或约定的义务,为避免他人利益受损失,自愿管理他人事务或为他人提供服务的行为。管理他人事务的人,为管理人(beneficiary);事务被管理的人,为受益人(beneficiary)。无因管理发生后,管理人与受益人之间便发生债权债务关系,这就是无因管理之债。其主要内容是,管理人享有请求受益人偿还因管理事务而支出的必要费用的债权,受益人负有偿还该项费用的债务。






Where a person who has neither a statutory nor a contractual obligation acts as a custodian to manage another person’s affair in order to prevent the latter from suffering a loss of interests, the said person may request the beneficiary to reimbure the necessary expenses incurred therefrom. Where such a custodian suffers losses when managing another person’s affairs, the custodian may request the beneficiary to make appropriate compensation.


Where the management of another person’s affairs is contrary to the true will of the beneficiary, the custodian does not have the right provided in the preceding paragraph, unless the true will of the beneficiary is in violation of law or against the public order or good morals.



Where the management by a custodian of another person’s affairs does not fall within the circumstances provided in the preceding Article, but the beneficiary has enjoyed the benefit of the management, the beneficiary shall be subject to the obligations provided in the first paragraph of the preceding Article to the custodian to the extent of the benefit he gains therfrom.


A custodian shall manage another person’s affairs in the best interest of the beneficiary. Where suspension of management is to put the beneficiary at a disadvantage position, the management may not be suspended without just cause.



Where a custodian manages another person’s affairs, he shall promptly notify the beneficiary if he is able to do so. Where the matter does not need urgent management, the custodian shall wait for the beneficiary’s instruction.



Upon termination of the management, a custodian shall report the management of the affairs to the beneficiary. The property obtained by the custodian in the management of the affairs shall be surrendered to the beneficiary in a timely manner.



Where the management of another person’s affairs by a custodian is subsequently ratified by the beneficiary, the provisions on entrustment contracts shall be applied to the management from the commencement of the management, unless the custodian expresses his intention otherwise.


Negotiorum gestio is derived from Roman law, which occupies an important position in the system of law of obligations.


The paper presents that lawmaking for upholding justice, which belongs to the category of negotiorum gestio , should be embodied and strengthened in the system of negotiorum gestio.


发布于 2022-10-30 12:40:27