1、普通合伙企业:ordinary/standard partnership
由普通合伙人组成,合伙人对合伙企业债务承担无限连带责任(unlimited joint and several liability)。
2、有限合伙企业:limited partnership
由普通合伙人和有限合伙人组成,普通合伙人对合伙企业债务承担无限连带责任,有限合伙人以其认缴的出资额(amount of contribution)为限对合伙企业债务承担责任。
3、特殊普通合伙企业:limited liability partnership/special ordinary partnership enterprise
例如律师事务所(law firm)、会计师事务所(accounting firm)、医师事务所、设计师事务所(designer firms)、税务师事务所(tax accountant agent)等。特殊的普通合伙企业必须在其企业名称中标明“特殊普通合伙”字样,以区别于普通合伙企业。
A partnership contract is an agreement between two or more partners to share benefits and assume risks for a joint enterprise.
Senior Assistant Solicitor General ("SASG") said that, after the meeting with The Law Society of Hong Kong ("LS") on 16 November 2010, the Administration was prepared to remove the constructive knowledge element from the proposed section 7AC(3) of the Bill and to add a new provision to the Bill requiring a solicitor firm operating as an limited liability partnership ("LLP") to provide to its clients, as soon as practicable but not later than a specified period, a written notification confirming the identities of its responsible supervising partner in respect of each matter/case handled by the firm.
The ordinary partnership is a contractual association of several individuals or legal entities for a business purpose that is not required to be entered in the commercial register.
Depending on the legal form, the income of an entity or of a shareholder will be taxed, i.e. CIT for a limited company and a jointstock company, PIT for a limited partnership or a registered partnership.
We are offering 99% ownership in a limited partnership in exchange for $35 million that will fund this component of our master plan – a project which has secured the support of the New Hampshire EB-5 Regional Center and is an EB-5 approved investment.
The limited liability accorded to a partner of a limited liability partnership (LLP) is applicable, subject to conditions, only to an individual partner’s liability arising from the default of another partner, employee, agent or representative of LLP in the course of its business.