级别管辖,英文表达为Jurisdiction by Levels of Courts,是指审判管辖中的一种,也称“审级管辖”、“事务管辖”。
基层人民法院(basic people’s court)管辖除上级人民法院管辖外的大部分刑事案件;
中级人民法院(intermediate people’s court)管辖反革命案件、无期徒刑及死刑案件、涉外刑事案件;
高级人民法院(higher people’s courts)管辖全省性重大案件;
最高人民法院(Supreme People’s Court)管辖全国性重大案件。
A basic people’s court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over civil cases, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law.
An intermediate people’s court shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases:
Major cases involving foreign elements;
Cases that have major impacts in the area of its jurisdiction; and
Cases under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people’s courts as determined by the Supreme People’s Court.
Article 20 A higher people’s courts shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over civil cases that have major impacts on the areas of its jurisdiction.
The Supreme People’s Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over the following civil cases:
Cases that have major impacts on the whole country; and
Cases that the Supreme People’s Court deems should be adjudicated by itself.
Since October 2005, the 6-year-long patent infringement lawsuit between Shanghai Hongyuan and OSRAM ended up with Hongyuan’s wining judged by Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality after several rounds of litigation procedures of No. 2 Medium People’s Court of Shanghai, Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, State Intellectual Property Office, No.1 Medium People’s Court of Beijing and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality.
自2005年10月开始,持续整整6年的上海宏源照明电器有限公司与德国西门子全资子公司欧司朗(OSR AM)有限公司之间的专利侵权纠纷案,历经上海第二中级人民法院、上海高级人民法院,国家知识产权局、北京第一中级人民法院、北京高级人民法院几轮诉讼历程,最终,上海高院及北京高院两纸终审判决结案,宣告了宏源照明的全面胜诉。
If a party to the case does not accept a judgment or ruling of first instance of a local people’s court at a particular level, that party may bring an appeal to the people’s court at the next higher level within the time limit prescribed by law; and if the people’s procuratorate is of the view that a judgment or ruling of first instance is erroneous, may present a protest to the people’s court at the next higher level within the time limit prescribed by law.
The judiciary has undergone the first and second 5-year Reform Plans and the Supreme People’s Court announced on 17 March 2009 that it has embarked on the Third 5 Year Plan. Its tasks include improving on its distribution of duties and powers between different strata of the courts, regulating sentencing and trial procedures, setting up a proper non-prosecutorial system, enforcing judgments, strengthening protection and training of judges, ensuring financial support from the government, digitizing and opening up of information, etc.