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免责条款(exception clause),是指当事人约定的用以免除或限制其未来合同责任的条款。免责条款常被合同一方当事人写入合同或格式合同之中,作为明确或隐含的意思要约,以获得另一方当事人的承诺,使其发生法律效力。





The following exception clauses in a contract shall be null and void:

(1) those that cause personal injury to the other party;

(2) those that cause property damages to the other party as result of deliberate intent or gross negligence.


In some instances, it was noted that the political exception clause did not apply to certain offences such as terrorist crimes (e.g., Tunisia) or that there were reforms which would entail that serious crimes as listed in the domestic codes (corresponding to crimes under the Rome Statute) would not be considered political crimes or ordinary crimes related to political crimes or crimes for which punishment was being sought for political reasons (e.g., Costa Rica).


the Commissioner of Customs and Excise has made the Amendment Order at Annex A to amend the Trade Description (Country of Origin) (Watches) Order by inserting an exception clause to the effect that the Order shall not apply to watches that have been exported, or are intended to be exported, from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA and are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA; and

海关关长制定了附件 A 的修订令,修订《商品说明(原产国家)(手表)令》,增订例外情况条款,订明《商品说明(原产国家)(手表)令》不适用于已根据《安排》从香港出口往内地或拟根据该安排从香港出口往内地,并根据《安排》符合零关税资格的手表;以及

The Administration has pointed out that it should be recognized that although the exception clause sets out certain situations to which the exception would apply, such as possession of skills not readily available in Hong Kong, etc. it is not intended to prescribe conditions to be fulfilled before employers offer overseas terms to their overseas employees.


According to the Administration, since the Bill is not meant to affect differential employment practices based on human resource policy consideration that does not relate to race, it is considered justified to provide an exception clause to ensure clarity and certainty.


发布于 2022-11-30 17:41:28