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可撤销合同(Revocable contract/voidable contract),是民法中可变更和可撤销的民事行为的一种。可撤销合同主要是意思表示不真实的合同。





those concluded as a result of significant misconception;


those that are obviously unfair at the time when concluding the contract

《合同法》第55条规定有下列情形之一的,撤销权(right to revoke a contract)消灭:



The right to revoke a contract shall extinguish under any of the following circumstances:

(1) a party having the right to revoke the contract fails to exercise the right within one year from the day that it knows or ought to know the revoking causes;

(2) a party having the right to revoke the contract explicitly expresses or conducts an act to waive the right after it knows the revoking causes.


This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract.


The Practice grants you a revocable, nontransferable, nonexclusive license to download copies of articles, contact information and other Content, solely for your individual or internal business use; provided, that you do not: (a) remove any copyright notice, trademark notice or other intellectual property notice from any copy of any Content, or (b) accept any consideration in exchange for any Content, or for services provided using any Content (including legal services) to any third party.


It might therefore be argued that a guarantee of a minor's obligations under a voidable contract should be enforceable prior to its repudiation, although it is only likely to be in such circumstances that the guarantee would be important.


发布于 2022-11-30 17:41:58