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家庭暴力(domestic violence /family violence)是指在家庭关系中发生的一切暴力行为。家庭成员之间以殴打、捆绑、残害、限制人身自由以及经常性谩骂、恐吓等方式实施的身体、精神等侵害行为








(2)cohabitation of a married person with any third party;


(3)domestic violence; and


(4)maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another.




If bigamy, domestic violence to or maltreatment and desertion of family member(s) constitute a crime, the criminal responsibility of the wrongdoer shall be investigated according to law. The victim may institute a voluntary prosecution in a people’s court in accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal procedure law. The public security organ shall investigate the case according to law and the people’s procuratorate shall initiate a public prosecution according to law.


The State party also referred to the adoption of new legislation, including the Equal Treatment Act CXXV of 2003, adopted on 22 December 2003, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, marital status and pregnancy; Act CXXXII of 2004, which amended the Criminal Procedures Act XIX of 1998 and introduced the urgency procedure that also concerns the subject of domestic violence; Act XCI of 2005 amending Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code, which introduced the restraining order as a rule of conduct under the supervision of the probation officer; an amendment to Act XIX of 1998 on criminal procedure adopted on 13 February 2006, which includes the restraining order as a new coercive measure; and Act CXXXVI of 2004, which amended Act XXXI of 1997, on the protection of children by which the prohibition of child abuse has been incorporated into the Hungarian legal system.

缔约国还提及它通过了新的立法,包括:2003 年第一百二十五号《平等待遇法案》(2003 年 12 月 22 日通过),其中禁止基于性别、婚姻状况和怀孕进行歧视;2004 年第一百三十 二号法案,该法案修正了1998 年第十九号《刑事诉讼法案》并增列了也涉及家庭暴力问题的紧 急诉讼程序;2005 年第九十一号法案,该法案修正了关于《刑法》的 1978 年第四 号法案,增列了限制令,将其作为缓刑监督官监管下的一项行为规则;2006 年 2 月 13 日通过的关于刑事诉讼的 1998 年第十九号法案修正案,该修正案包括限制令,这是一项 新的强制措施;2004 年第一百三十六号法案,该法案修正了关于儿童保护的 1997 年第三十一号法案,修正后的法案 把禁止虐待儿童纳入了匈牙利法律体系。

As explained to the Advisory Committee, those new fields include gender budgeting and gender audits at the national level; implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security, especially in the light of the recent uprisings in the region; political participation of women, especially at the political party level; gender-based violence, especially domestic violence and human trafficking for sexual exploitation; follow-up on implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, in the light of the increased number of member States that have ratified the Convention; and the impact of globalization and market trends on the gender division of labour.

他们向咨询委员会解释说,这些新的领域包括:国家一级促进性别平等的预算编制和审计;落实安全理事会关于妇女与和平与安全的第 1325(2000)号决议,特别是有鉴于最近该区域发生了一些抗暴行动;妇女的政治参与,特别是在政党层次上;性别暴力,特别是家庭暴力和贩运人口进行性剥削;《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》执行工作的后续行动,因为批准该公约的成员国越来越多;以及全球化和市场趋势对性别分工的影响。

发布于 2023-01-04 20:11:27