Severance payments或severance payment,常用于法律语境中,翻译为“遣散费”。即当雇主同一位雇员终止雇佣关系的时候,向雇员支付的一种一次性补偿。雇员若为雇主根据连续性合约工作满24个月,因裁员而遭解雇或被停工,便可享有遣散费。
Severance 一词在此处表示the act of ending sb's work contract,即“解雇;辞退”。
notice of severance 接到解聘通知的雇员
severance pay/terms 解雇金╱条件
severance package 解雇补偿金;解雇金条款;遣散费
severance agreement 聘用终止协议; 离职合同;
The existing remuneration package for DC members comprises: (a) a monthly honorarium of $20,290; (b) an accountable annual provision of Operating Expenses Allowance at the rate of $233,544; (c) a non-accountable monthly provision of Miscellaneous Expenses Allowance at the rate of $4,120 to cover expenses like entertainment, self-development, personal insurance and minor purchase; (d) an accountable Setting-up Allowance of $100,000 per DC term to cover the cost of setting up a ward office, such as renovation of premises, purchase of furniture and equipment; and (e) an accountable Winding-up Allowance of $72,000 per DC term to cover expenses required to wind up a ward office, including severance payments for staff of the DC members.
The Advisory Committee notes that the proposed adjustment of the base/floor salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories would have an impact on the annual cost implications in connection with the above-mentioned end-of-service severance pay for fixed-term contracts, as well as other payments directly linked to the base/floor salary.
The existing remuneration package for DC members comprises: (a) a monthly honorarium of $20,290; (b) an accountable annual provision of Operating Expenses Allowance at the rate of $233,544; (c) a non-accountable monthly provision of Miscellaneous Expenses Allowance at the rate of $4,120 to cover expenses like entertainment, self-development, personal insurance and minor purchase; (d) an accountable Setting-up Allowance of $100,000 per DC term to cover the cost of setting up a ward office, such as renovation of premises, purchase of furniture and equipment; and (e) an accountable Winding-up Allowance of $72,000 per DC term to cover expenses required to wind up a ward office, including severance payments for staff of the DC members.
The Human Resources Network took note of the comprehensive data and analysis of termination indemnities and expressed the hope that, with the results of the present analysis at hand, the General Assembly would be in a position to complete its review of separation payments, including the issue of end-of-service severance pay, which it had postponed in 2009.