"Comparative negligence" 是一种在侵权法中确定赔偿责任的法律原理,它考虑了双方(或多方)在事故中的过错程度。根据这一原理,受害者的过错可能会减少他们从被告那里获得的赔偿金额。
这与"contributory negligence"有所不同。在"contributory negligence"的法律体系下,如果受害者有任何过错,即使这种过错很小,他们也可能无法获得任何赔偿。
但在"comparative negligence"体系下,法院或陪审团会评估每个当事人的过错程度,并按比例分配赔偿。例如,如果受害者的过错占40%,那么他们只能获得原始赔偿金额的60%。
根据具体的州法或国家法,"comparative negligence" 可能有不同的实施形式。在某些地方,只有当受害者的过错低于被告的过错时,他们才能获得赔偿。而在其他地方,受害者可以获得减少的赔偿,不管他们的过错程度如何。
在中文中,"comparative negligence" 可以翻译为 "比较过失" 或 "相对过失"。如:
Comparative negligence comes into play when it is contended that two or more parties failed to perform at the standard of the “ ordinary reasonable person
Not all states use comparative negligence , and some states still use contributory negligence which denies recovery to any party whose negligence has added to the cause of the accident in anyway.