多头/好仓(Long Position)是指投资者对股市看好,预计股价将会看涨,于是趁低价时买进股票,待股票上涨至某一价位时再卖出,以获取差额收益。一般来说,人们通常把股价长期保持上涨势头的股票市场称为多头市场。多头市场股价变化的主要特征是一连串的大涨小跌。简单来说,多头相信价格将上涨而买进某种金融工具,期待涨价后高价卖出的市场人士。与空头相反。
If an investor has long positions, it means that the investor has bought and owns those shares of stocks. For instance, an investor who owns 100 shares of Tesla stock in their portfolio is said to be long 100 shares. This investor has paid in full the cost of owning the shares and will make money if they rise in value and are later sold for more than they were bought.
空头/淡仓(Short Position)是投资者和股票商认为现时股价虽然较高,但对股市前景看坏,预计股价将会下跌,于是把借来的股票及时卖出,待股价跌至某一价位时再买进,以获取差额收益。空头指的是变为股价已上涨到了最高点,很快便会下跌,或当股票已开始下跌时,变为还会继续下跌,趁高价时卖出的投资者。采用这种先卖出后买进、从中赚取差价的交易方式称为空头。人们通常把股价长期呈下跌趋势的股票市场称为空头市场,空头市场股价变化的特征是一连串的大跌小涨。
If the investor has short positions, it means that the investor owes those stocks to someone, but does not actually own them yet. Continuing the example, an investor who has sold 100 shares of Tesla without yet owning those shares is said to be short 100 shares. The short investor owes 100 shares at settlement and must fulfill the obligation by purchasing the shares in the market to deliver.
所谓敞口,一般指风险敞口。风险敞口英文为risk exposure,指未加保护的风险。为了减少和控制风险,债权人或银行会采取措施进行风险抵销,这称为“冲销”风险。冲销后仍未能抵减的风险,即暴露在风险中,则称为“风险敞口”或“风险暴露”。广义而言,敞口就是风险暴露,即银行所持有的各类风险性资产余额。
Credit risk is the risk of loss from the default by an obligor or a counterparty when payments fall due. We are exposed to credit risk primarily from our loan portfolio, investment portfolio, guarantee business and various other on- and off-balance sheet credit risk exposures.