包销协议中的selling shareholders是什么意思啊?出售股东吗?

包销协议中的selling shareholders是什么意思啊?出售股东吗?


1 个回答

“Selling”虽然有出售的意思,但在这里将“selling shareholders”译为“出售股东”可能会让人不明所以。所以,可以先来看一看其英文释义,了解这一术语到底指的是什么,相关英文释义如下:

释义1:ICDR 2018 has introduced a definition of “selling shareholder(s)” which is defined as any shareholder of the person who is offering for sale the specified securities in a public issue.

释义2:In the context of registered securities offerings, an existing stockholder of a company that is selling shares in a registered public offering. A public offering of shares by existing stockholders is known as a secondary offering. Existing stockholders can sell shares in a company's initial public offering or in a follow-on offering.

Existing stockholders who sell shares through initial purchasers in unregistered offerings exempt from registration under Rule 144A and Regulation S are also referred to as selling stockholders.

通过以上释义,我们可以看出,“selling shareholders”其实是美国的说法,它具体指的是



The Company and the Selling Shareholders have agreed to offer for subscription of the Offer Shares (as defined below) pursuant to the Global Offering (as defined below), with the Hong Kong Offer Shares (as defined below) being offered by the Company for subscription pursuant to the Hong Kong Public Offering (as defined below), and the International Placing Shares (as defined below) to be offered by the Company and the Selling Shareholders pursuant to the International Placing (as defined below).

