“Deed of release”对应的中文是什么啊?具体含义是什么?

“Deed of release”对应的中文是什么啊?具体含义是什么?


Deed of release 转让证书;放弃权利契据;清偿契据;免责转让契据

债务履行完毕或其他条件满足之后,抵押权人或受托人将财产交付给原所有人,从而使他们之间的抵押关系或信托关系消灭。此语曾仅指土地转让人将其全部权利或利益转让给已在该地产上享有部分权利的受让人;但在现代用法中,受让人是否对所转让的财产拥有权益已不是此类契据的必要条件。它现在和「quitclaim deed」是同义语。

A deed of release is a legal document that removes a previous claim on an asset. It provides documentation of release from a binding agreement. A deed of release might be included when a lender transfers the title of real estate to the homeowner upon satisfaction of the mortgage. A deed of release literally releases the parties to a deal from previous obligations, such as payments under the term of a mortgage because the loan has been paid off. The lender holds the title to real property until the mortgage’s terms have been satisfied when a deed of release is commonly entered into. A deed of release can also free an employer and employee of any obligations they had under their employment agreement, such as in the case of a severance package.


Employment agreements are another scenario where a deed of release might be used. The document can free both the employer and employee of any obligations they had under their employment agreement. In some cases, a deed of release might give an employee a designated payment. This can occur in the case of a severance package.



The deed of release can include the terms of the severance, including payment and the length of time payments will last following the release. It might also identify confidential information that cannot be shared by the employee after termination, or restraint clauses that prevent a departing employee from forming a similar business or soliciting customers or clients.

