翻译知识产权协议时遇到了“reduce to practice”一词,请问它是什么意思啊?

翻译知识产权协议时遇到了“reduce to practice”一词,请问它是什么意思啊?


“reduce to practice”属美国专利法术语,付诸实际;实现。指将发明人所构思的方法付诸有形的行为从而达到预设的结果。发明过程【inventive process】始于构思【conception】,而终于付诸实际,故所谓付诸实际,亦即将发明人的构思通过实际构造而成为其实际功能形式【working form】。因此,就专利法而言,除非已付诸实际,否则不存在一项发明。美国专利法采用“先发明”(first to invent)原则,此有别于其他大多数国家所采用的“先申请”(first to file)原则,故确认某一发明是否或何时实现,在抵触审查程序【interference proceeding】中具有关键意义,当同一项发明有两个以上发明人申请专利时,可以此确认喝着享有优先权【priority】。它分为两种:真实付诸实际【actual reduction to practice】与推定付诸实际【constructive reduction to practice】。前者指通过检测的方式将发明思想【idea】进行应用,以确认该发明思想可以达到预设目标;后者是指将发明或外观设计向专利商标局【Patent and Trademark Office/PTO】提出专利申请。


In United States patent law, the reduction to practice is the step in the formation of an invention beyond the conception thereof. Reduction to practice may be either actual (the invention is actually carried out and is found to work for its intended purpose) or constructive (a patent application having a sufficient disclosure is filed). The date of reduction to practice was critical to the determination of priority between inventors in an interference proceeding under the discontinued first-to-invent system as well as for swearing behind a reference under that system.


With respect to consulting services, all intellectual property rights in all reports, pre-existing work and derivative works of such pre-existing works, as well as installation scripts and other deliverables and developments made, conceived, created, discovered, invented, or reduced to practice in the performance of the assessment are and shall remain the sole and absolute property of CITRIX, subject to a worldwide, non-exclusive License to you for internal use.

对于咨询服务,在评估实施过程中制作、构想、创建、发现、发明或付诸实践的所有报告、原作品和这类原作品的衍生作品,以及安装脚本和其他可交付物和研发成果中的所有知识产权现在是并且将一直是CITRIX 的独有和绝对财产,仅向您授予全球非独占性许可供内部使用。
