辩诉交易是美国的一项司法制度,指在法院开庭审理之前,作为控诉方的检察官和代表被告人的辩护律师进行协商,以检察官撤销指控、降格指控或者要求法官从轻判处刑罚为条件,来换取被告人的有罪答辩(plea of Guilty),进而双方达成均可接受的协议。通俗的说,辩诉交易就是在检察官与被告人之间进行的一种“认罪讨价还价”行为。通过这样一种制度,检察官、法官可以用最少的司法资源处理更多的刑事案件提高办案效率同时罪犯也得到了较之原罪行减轻了一定程度的刑事制裁,从而对双方都有利,形成一种双赢的局面。
辩诉交易对应的英文表达为plea bargain、plea agreement或plea deal。A plea bargain (also plea agreement or plea deal) is an agreement in criminal law proceedings, whereby the prosecutor provides a concession to the defendant in exchange for a plea of guilt or nolo contendere. This may mean that the defendant will plead guilty to a less serious charge, or to one of the several charges, in return for the dismissal of other charges; or it may mean that the defendant will plead guilty to the original criminal charge in return for a more lenient sentence。
然而这一制度在我国还没有得到法院的接受。毕竟,我国和美国还属于不同的法域,司法有很大的差异,而且美国产生辩诉交易制度也是有很深层次的原因的。美国刑事诉讼奉行正当程序主义,在诉讼中以追求程序正义procedural justice为第一要义,强调对被告人的权利保障和充分发挥辩护律师的作用。但是,赋予被告方过多的诉讼权利势必影响办案效率和控制犯罪的能力。
At the same time, while plea negotiation is a growing trend as a measure of expediency, excessive use of plea bargain to address backlogs should be avoided.