“Guilty plea”是什么意思啊?对应的中文是什么?

“Guilty plea”是什么意思啊?对应的中文是什么?



A full admission to each and every element of the offence and is not of itself an admission to any matters of aggravation or the mode of participation in the events the subject matter of the indictment, unless such matters appear in the indictment. It must be voluntarily made or the court must reiect it. The plea must be unequivocal. The court should ensure, where necessary, that the accused understands the effect of his plea and a plea of guilty should be refused if the judge considers that it arises from fear, duress, ignorance or weakness.


认罪答辩  对有关罪行的每一项要素全部承认,本身不是对任何加重损失事项或在有关事件中参与的模式的承认,除非该等事项在公诉书中显示,则属例外。必须是在自愿的情况下作出认罪答辩,否则法庭必须拒绝接受。认罪答辩必须是明确而不含糊的。如有需要,法官应确保被告明白其答辩的效力,此外,如法官认为该答辩是因恐惧、威迫、不知情或无力而产生的,则应拒绝接受有关的认罪答辩。


认罪答辩 刑事被告人理智地自愿地在法庭上正式承认犯有受指控的罪行。对被告人必须先充分告知其享有的权利,并由法庭认定其已明了此项权利,其对罪行的供认是自愿的。被告人作认罪答辩等同于法庭审理后的定罪,其法律上的效力等于有罪裁断,可据此根据法律判处刑罚。


Germany plea bargaining practice shows that it is probablely to establish the way to settle the case quickly based on the defendant guilty plea and lenient punishment rewards in our country. 



But the judge had looked through the books, he said, and he was not at all sure whether, in the tribunals, given the guilty plea, the death penalty was an option. 



Guilty plea 认罪答辩


A defendant may plead guilty instead of insist-ing that the prosecution prove him guilty. Often the defendant does so as part of a “plea bargain” with the prosecution, where the defendant is guaranteed a light sentence or is allowed to plead to a lesser offense. Although the government may not structure its system so as to coerce a guilty plea, a guilty plea that is entered voluntarily, knowingly, and understandingly, even to obtain an advantage, is sufficient to overcome constitutional objections. The guilty plea and the often concomitant plea bargain are important and necessary components of the criminal justice system, and it is permissible for a prosecutor during such plea bargains to require a defendant to forgo his right to a trial in return for escaping additional charges that are likely upon conviction to result in a more severe penalty. But the prosecutor does deny due process if he penalizes the assertion of a right or privilege by the defendant by charging more severely or recommending a longer sentence. 相关例句如下:


In accepting a guilty plea, the court must inquire whether the defendant is pleading voluntarily, knowingly, and understandingly, and “the adjudicative element inherent in accepting a plea of guilty must be attended by safeguards to insure the defendant what is reasonably due in the circumstances. Those circumstances will vary, but a constant factor is that, when a plea rests in any significant degree on a promise or agreement of the prosecutor, so that it can be said to be part of the inducement or consideration, such promise must be fulfilled.”



A guilty plea will ordinarily waive challenges to alleged unconstitutional police practices occurring prior to the plea, unless the defendant can show that the plea resulted from incompetent counsel.



However, this does not mean that a court accepting a guilty plea must explain all the elements of a crime, as it may rely on counsel’s representations to the defendant.



Defendant and a prosecutor reached agreement on a guilty plea in return for no sentence recommendation by the prosecution. At the sentencing hearing months later, a different prosecutor recommended the maximum sentence, and that sentence was imposed. The Court vacated the judgment, holding that the prosecutor’s entire staff was bound by the promise.

