首先是counterclaim和cross claim, 它们的区别在于前者是指在同一诉讼中针对另一方当事人,即被告方对原告方提出的诉讼主张,故其应为“反诉”,其也称为 counteraction、countersuit 或 cross-demand(In a court of law, a party's claim is a counterclaim if one party asserts claims in response to the claims of another. In other words, if a plaintiff initiates a lawsuit and a defendant responds to the lawsuit with claims of his or her own against the plaintiff, the defendant's claims are “counterclaims.”)。而后者则是指同一诉讼中的共同方当事人,即共同被告或共同原告之间相互所提出的诉讼主张,故其应为“共同诉讼人之间的诉讼主张”或 “交叉诉讼主张”而非“反诉”。(It is a claim by one party against a co-party, usually between or among codefendants. A cross-claim may be filed when one party to a suit charges another party with responsibility for the plaintiff’s injuries or damages.)
而cross-action的区别则在于该术语是指被告就同一有争议的诉因对案件中的原告或共同被告所提出的另一独立诉讼(separate action) (此诉讼如在中国应当另案处理),故其也非“反诉”而应是“交叉诉讼”。(a legal action in which the defendant in an existing action files a suit against the plaintiff on the same subject matter )
The Bill removes the existing flexibility for the whole action to remain with the District Court where only the counterclaim is outside the District Court jurisdiction.
本条例草案取消了让该等只有反申诉部分超越区域法院司法管辖权的诉讼,可整项留在区域法院审理的弹性安排 。
Further, the seller brought a cross-claim seeking rectification of the contract, and also alleging that the seller was stopped.
The defendant may also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff, a cross-action against any co-defendant or an impleader.