De minimis threshold for exemption
符合豁兔披露、申报及股东批准规定的最低 水平:
每项百分比率(盈利测试除外)均: 1、 低于 0,1%;或 2. 低于 1%,而有关交易之所以属关连交 易,纯粹因为涉及下述的关连人士:该人士 之所以成为关连人士,仅因其与发行人旗下 一家或多家附属公司有关系:或 3、低于 5%,而代价也低于 3 0 0 万港元。
De minimis threshold for exemption from reporting, announcement and independent shareholders’ approval requirement:
A connected transaction on normal commercial terms where each of the percentage ratios (except the profits ratio) is: 1. less than O.1%::or 2. less than 1%, 'for transactions with person s, connected only at the subsidiary level; or 3. less than 5% and the consideration is, less than HK$3 million,
每项百比率(盈利测试除外)均 :1. 低于 5%:或 2. 低于 25%,而代价也低于 100 万港元
De minimis threshold for exemption from independent shareholder’ approval requirement
A connected transactian on normal commercial terms where each of the percentage ratios (except the e profits ratio) is: 1. less than 5%; or 2. less than 25% and the consideration is less than H K$1O million.