根据英美法律术语中对于circumstantial evidence的以下释义:All evidence except eyewitness testimony. Evidence from which an inference must be drawn. Examples include documents, photographs, and physical evidence, such as fingerprints.
circumstantial evidence 可以理解为汉语中的“间接证据”,在法律文本翻译中,该术语常被译为:“间接证据、旁证”。
“间接证据”指该证据内容无法直接证明其直接实施了犯罪行为。在证据的分类中有直接证据与间接证据之别。 根据《刑诉法》规定的证据要求,在没有直接证据的情况下,只要其他间接证据确实、充分,并能形成证明案件成立的链条的,可以证实被告人有罪和处以刑罚。一个案件的核心证据其实很少,甚至只有一个,其他的基本上都可以说是“间接证据”,假如一个案件的证据链需要100环,应该是环环相扣,缺一不可,缺任何一环都不能形成一个完整的证据链条。这些外围证据恰恰也是支持核心证据的基础,是非常重要的。
According to the decision, the complainant’s defence counsel exercised the right to question witnesses in a normal fashion and recognized the validity of the report prepared by the Basque autonomous police, which showed that the complainant’s statement was supported by circumstantial evidence.
该判决称,申诉人的辩护律师以正常方式行使了向证人提问的权利,并确认了巴斯克自治区警署编写的报告的有效性,该报告显示申诉人的供词得到 了间接证据的支持。
a) The establishment of protocols for exhumation, ante-mortem data collection, autopsies and identification based on scientifically valid and reliable methods and technologies and/or customary, clinical or circumstantial evidence that are deemed appropriate and that have been previously adopted by the scientific community.
(a) 根据科学有效可靠的方法和技术以及(或)一般认为适当并且已被科学 界采纳的习俗证据、临床证据或旁证, 拟订 尸体发掘、生前信息收集、尸体解剖 和身份鉴定协议。