civil death——In common law, civil death was the status given to a person who, though alive, had been convicted of a felony and sentenced to life imprisonment. It referred to the fact that the convict had lost all civil rights and was thus thought to be dead as regards any participation in society.
在法律英语中, “civil death”这一术语是指 “宣告丧失一切民事权利”,“法律上的死亡”。如褫夺公权,宣告失踪人死亡等。
具体来讲, “civil death” 指自然人虽尚存生命,但已丧失一切民事权利的状态。在普通法上,因被流放、放弃国籍、遁入宗教圈或犯有任何重罪都可导致被宣告民事死亡,从而丧失投票权、订约权、起诉权、被诉权等民事权利。对法人来说,已经正式解散或破产,虽留有财产供股东和债权人分配,但该法人已“民事死亡”。
He also asserts that he was punished before a decision had been reached on the merits of the investigation, through interim measures including the seizure of his assets, debarment, the order not to leave the country and the impossibility of obtaining credit or engaging in business, all of which virtually amounted to "civil death".
(b) The citizens of the Republic have the right to vote from the age of 18 years, reached before and including the day of elections, except those who have received a civil death penalty pursuant to procedures provided by law;