根据《英美法术语双解》一书中对于 “lis pendens”的释义:
“lis pendens —— control that a court acquires over property that is the subject of litigation. Where real estate is the subject of litigation, a 'notice of lis pendens' may be filed with the register of deeds in the country where the property is located. This notice warns persons who deal with the property that it is subject to litigation and that they may be bound by the court's judgment regarding the property.”
INVESTOPEDIA对 “lis pendens” 给出的释义:
“A lis pendens is an official notice to the public that a lawsuit involving a claim on a property has been filed. Lis pendens is connected to the concept that a buyer of a property must assume any litigation that exists pertaining to the property. If a bank is suing the owner of a lot and a new buyer purchases the lot, then the new owner must face the lawsuit; sale of the property does not prevent the plaintiff from seeking redress via litigation. It can represent a contingent liability.”
“lis pendens”来源自拉丁语,指的是“未决诉讼”。在普通法上,未决诉讼中争议的财产在诉讼期间若要转让给意欲购买者或抵押权人应作出声明〔notice〕,告知其就该财产取得的任何权益将受法院判决的影响。
在英国,根据1972年《土地负担法》〔Land Charges Act〕可作未决诉讼的登记,该登记并不在财产上设定任何负担,而只是旨在给予意欲购买者或抵押权人以此种声明。该登记在5年内有效,期满可以续展,但法院在作出判决后,或经证实该诉讼是出于恶意提起的,可以裁定撤销该登记。美国的多数州也在法典中予以规定。
Forum Nor Convenience, Recognition Prognosis and First-seized Approach are important bases of Lis Pendens.
Common law countries used the flexible means such as "forum non convenience"、" lis alibi pendens"、" anti-suit injunction" to solve the international parallel proceedings, and civil law countries take the "recognition prognosis principle" to deal with such problems.