“Deed poll”和“deed intented”分别指的是什么?求详解。

“Deed poll”和“deed intented”分别指的是什么?求详解。




Deed poll





A deed poll (plural: deeds poll) is a legal document binding on a single person or several persons acting jointly to express an intention or create an obligation. It is a deed, and not a contract because it binds only one party. The most common use is a name change through a deed of change of name (often referred to simply as a deed poll). Deeds poll are used for this purpose in countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In the UK, a deed poll can also be used to change a child's name, as long as everyone with parental responsibility for the child consents to it and the child does not object to it. The child's parents execute the deed poll on the child's behalf.


Deed intented



在普通法中,指双方或多方当事人为转让财产而签订并履行或准备履行的契据。契据一边被剪成锯齿形状,或从顶部以特殊方式将其剪开,分别交各方当事人收执。这一做法源于古代骑缝证书的惯例,现在则以波形线将契据剪开,更通常的做法则是在契据边缘刻痕。又写作「deed of indenture」。


In conveyancing. A deed executed or purporting to be executed in parts, between two or more parties, and distinguished by having the edge of the paper or parchment on which it is written indented or cut at the top in a particular manner.This was formerly done at the top or side, in a line resembling the teeth of a saw; a formality derived from the ancient practice of dividing chirographs; but the cutting is now made either in a waving line, or more commonly by notching or nicking the paper at the edge.




The Warrants will be constituted by way of deed poll to be executed by the Company.


