该项权利为法国、意大利和德国法律所承认,是指艺术家有权从美术作品〔work of art〕的后续销售收入中参与分配。其目的是使艺术家对美术作品再销售中随时间而增值的部分获取金钱收益。美术作品原件每销售一次,艺术家均依法有权获得一笔版税〔royalty〕,数额据再销售收入的一定比例确定。在美国版权法中未规定作品追续权,但1977年《加利福尼亚州再销售版税请求法》〔California Resale Royalties Act〕规定在该州适用作品追续权。只要出卖人在加州居住或销售行为发生在加州,则无论美术作品原件在何时进行再销售,出卖人均应将售价超过1000美元的5%支付给艺术家。
追续权起源于欧洲,最开始是用法语Droit de suite来表示的,相当于英文中的Artist's Resale Right (ARR)。
Droit de suite (French for “right to follow”) or Artist’s Resale Right (ARR) is a right granted to artists or their heirs, in some jurisdictions, to receive a fee on the resale of their works of art. This should be contrasted with policies such as the American first-sale doctrine, where artists do not have the right to control or profit from subsequent sales.
The artist’s resale right has many proponents, as well as opposers, with the first arguing that visual artists should not be treated any different than other artists, and the latter claiming that the price of art varies based on supply and demand, and that galleries incur substantial expenses in promoting artists.
Resale rights entitle artists to a share of the sale price when their artwork is resold. Every time an art market professional sells an artist’s work, the artist receives a share of the sale price in the form of a resale royalty. The amount paid will depend on the price for which the work is resold, but it cannot exceed €12,500.