查阅词典时发现attestation engagement和assurance engagement都有“鉴证业务”之意,两个词有区别吗?

查阅词典时发现attestation engagement和assurance engagement都有“鉴证业务”之意,两个词有区别吗?


1 个回答

有句话是这样说的:All attestation engagements are assurance engagements, but not all assurance engagements are attestation engagements. Kind of like all squares are rectangles, but not vice versa.


由此可以看出,assurance engagements包含attestation engagements,attestation engagements是assurance engagements的其中一个类别。那么,二者必然有相同之处,也有不同之处,如果二者同时出现,在翻译的时候应该进行区分,具体分析如下所示。


当两个英文单词/词组的中文含义相同或类似时,最好先查找一下相应的英文含义,再进行辨别。针对“assurance engagements”和“attestation engagements”的英文含义,我们可以引用香港会计师公会颁布的Hong Kong Framework for Assurance Engagements对二者的解释(其中,原文为英文,对应的中文为本人译文):


“An assurance engagement is an engagement in which a practitioner aims to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in order to express a conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of the measurement or evaluation of an underlying subject matter against criteria.

Assurance engagement是指执业人员旨在获得充分、适当的证据,以就按照标准对相关对象进行计量或评价的结果得出结论,目的在于增强除责任方以外的预期使用者对该等结果信任程度的业务。


In an attestation engagement, the measurer or evaluator, who is not the practitioner, measures or evaluates the underlying subject matter against the criteria, the outcome of which is the subject matter information. Subject matter information can fail to be properly expressed in the context of the underlying subject matter and the criteria, and can therefore be misstated, potentially to a material extent. The role of the practitioner in an attestation engagement is to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in order to express a conclusion about whether the subject matter information, as prepared by the measurer or evaluator, is free from material misstatement.

就attestation engagement而言,计量人员或评价人员(非执业人员)按照标准对相关对象进行计量或评价,得出的结果就是相关对象信息。相关对象信息可能在相关对象和标准方面未能正确体现,从而可能出现重大错报。执业人员在attestation engagement中负责获得充分、适当的证据,以就计量人员或评价人员提供的信息是否存在重大错报得出结论。


In an attestation engagement, the responsible party is also the measurer or evaluator. The responsible party may or may not be the party that engages the practitioner to perform the assurance engagement (the engaging party).

在attestation engagement中,责任方也是计量人员或评价人员。责任方可以是,也可以不是,聘请执业人员进行assurance engagement的一方(聘方)。”


从上面可以看出,assurance engagement与attestation engagement确实不同,在目的方面,前者是为了增强除责任方以外的预期使用者对计量或评价的结果信任程度,而后者是为了核实是否存在重大错报。




在该准则中,鉴证业务是指注册会计师对鉴证对象信息提出结论,以增强责任方之外的预期使用者对鉴证对象信息信任程度的业务。这一定义正好与上文“assurance engagements”相对应,因此,可以译为“鉴证业务”。


根据上文可知,“attestation engagements”是鉴证业务下面的一个分类。该准则第七条有提到“鉴证业务分为基于责任方认定的业务和直接报告业务”,并分别对下面的分类业务进行了解释:



基于上文对“attestation engagements”的定义,个人认为此处可以采用意译方式将其译为“基于责任方认定的业务”。当然也有人希望可以直译,本人在查阅资料时发现有些地方将“assurance engagements”译为“保证业务”,“attestation engagements”译为“鉴证业务”。
