请问哪些债务属于joint debt?

请问哪些债务属于joint debt?


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Borrowing money or getting into a financial agreement jointly with someone is referred to as joint debts. It can be taken by partners or by any two people under credit or loan agreements. Joint loans, credit agreements and joint accounts are some of the types of joint debts. 与其他人一起借贷款项或订立金融协议就是共同债务,可以是合伙人或任何两个人根据信贷协议或贷款协议产生。联合贷款、信贷协议和联合账户均属于共同债务。 Once you took out a loan or credit in joint names, both person concerned is responsible for the entire amount. It does not matter who uses or spend a huge portion of the money. For as long as your name is on the agreement, you’re held accountable for the whole amount. This is referred to as ‘joint and several liability’. 一旦以共同名义贷款,相关各方对涉及的全部款项均负有责任。至于哪一方使用或花费的金额较大,都无关紧要。只要协议上有该方的签字,该方须对全部金额负责。这就是“连带责任”。 Furthermore, some people assumed that credit card debt taken in joint names are considered joint debts. While this is available to some countries, these do not exist in the UK. In the UK, credit card agreements have a primary cardholder who is accountable for repaying the entire debts. This is regardless of whether they are from an authorised cardholder. 此外,有些人认为共同名义下的信用卡债务属于共同债务。虽然在有些国家确实如此,但是英国除外。在英国,是由信用卡协议中的主卡人负责偿还全部债务,无论该等债务是否是由授权持卡人产生。 Other debts that household bills such as a mortgage, council tax, utilities, and rent can also carry joint and several liability. 至于抵押贷款、家庭税、水电费和房租等家庭开支,同样须承担连带责任。 来源: https://www.debt.org.uk/what-are-joint-debts/