三式记帐法是指对每项经济业务以相等金额记入相互对应的三类帐户的一种记帐方法。常见的英文表达为triple-entry bookkeeping。
三式记帐法是美籍日裔会计学家井尻雄士(ljiri Yuji)(1935~ )提出的。、
The 3E Accounting System is a scholarly concept that provides the framework for a new way to do accounting called triple entry accounting (or 3E). The concept was first proposed by Professor Yuji Ijiri in 1986.
Most of the issues that are not included by double-entry accounting get dealt with in this method. A reliable and accurate accounting system, it’s a high-level accounting system. Triple-entry accounting involves cryptographically securing all parties involved in the accounting process and linking them via a smart contract to a third entry.
Lastly, the third entry in the Triple Entry System is both a transaction and an invoice, which gets entered into the Blockchain. Along with each party having a receipt, it’s proof of a transaction between the two parties -using the double-entry system.
Triple-entry accounting records are cryptographically enclosed and distributed, making them nearly impossible to destroy or copy. For every dollar spent, a buyer records a credit in the account. Whilst sellers record cash receipts as a debit on two different accounting books.
Blockchain technology solves this problem by recording entries in the same shared database as a transfer between wallet addresses, which creates an interconnected network of permanent and objective accounting records instead of recording them separately in different journals. Integrity, auditing, and transparency are just a few of the advantages of a 3E accounting system.