其英文为“positive screening”,英文释义如下:
Positive screening is the process of finding companies that score highly on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors relative to their peers. These companies can then be selected for sustainable investing portfolios.
其英文为“negative screening”,英文释义如下:
Negative screening is a process used in investing to eliminate certain types of companies or industries from consideration based on specific criteria, such as ethical or social reasons. This process involves identifying and excluding companies that engage in practices that are deemed unacceptable by investors.
原则筛选是指社会责任投资者基于经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)、国际劳工组织(International Labour Organization, ILO)和联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, UNICEF)等国际组织出台的企业行为准则来筛选符合标准的投资标的,剔除严重违反标准的标的,或者根据标的对标准的遵循程度调整投资金额。
其英文为“norms-based screening”,英文释义如下:
Norms-based screening may include exclusions of investments that are not in compliance with norms or standards, or over and underweighting in accordance with the degree of compliance evidenced. Also known as norms-based investment.
The process of positive screening usually begins with identifying an issue where investors want to have a positive impact. Also, it needs to be determined what would be the best way to measure the company’s performance against that criteria. For example, an investor who is concerned about climate change might screen the universe for companies with the lowest carbon footprint (or carbon risk) in each sector. That would result in a “best in class” selection of companies.
Negative screening has a long history of being applied by socially responsible investors such as charities, religious organizations, and endowments. This approach excludes entire sectors or industries from the investable universe depending on the asset owner’s requirements. For example, faith-based investors are likely to avoid “sin industries” such as tobacco, alcoholic beverages, armaments, or gambling.