affiliate: 附属公司;联号;联营公司;子公司;分支机构
如果一个公司的股份部分或全部地由另一公司持有,前者即为后者的附属公司或子公司,后者即为前者的控股公司或母公司,相对于该控股公司的其它附属公司而言,上述附属公司与其它附属公司称为联号。当一个公司只拥有另一个公司的少数具有表决权的股份时,这两家公司为联营公司。在美国,该术语在不同法律中具体含义有所差别:1在1933年《银行法》〔Banking Act〕中,是指由银行通过控股而拥有或控制的任何机构;或由银行股东所有的任何机构;或有其管理人员在银行出任董事的任何机构;2在《国内税收法典》〔Internal Revenue Code〕中,是指为达到纳税收入一体化目的,而由拥有共同的母公司或控股公司的许多附属公司或子公司组成的联号集团,这些公司的母公司或其他控股公司拥有的无表决权股票数不得低于80%(优先股除外);3在《投资公司法》〔Investment Company Act〕中,是指直接或间接拥有5%或5%以上已发售的具有表决权股票之所有权的公司。(撰)
全部股份或大部分股份为另一公司(母公司〔parent〕)所有,因而受控的子公司,是subsidiary corporation的简称。
Upon expiry of the Lock-up Period, (i) unless consent is obtained from the other party, neither the Company nor Alliance BMP shall transfer all or any of its equity interest in GP Corp. to any third party which is competing with GP Corp. by engaging in the business of wholesale and retail distribution of pharmaceutical products or to any Affiliates of such third party; and (ii) each of the Company and Alliance BMP shall have a pre-emptive right to acquire such equity interest of the other party on the same terms as those offered by a bona fide third party (other than any Affiliate of the other party).
禁售期满后,(i)除非经另一方同意,否则本公司及Alliance BMP均不得将其于医药公司的全部或任何股权,转让予因从事医药产品批发及零售业务而与医药公司构成竞争的任何第三方或该第三方的任何关联公司;及(ii)本公司及Alliance BMP拥有优先购买权,可按真诚行事的第三方(另一方的任何关联公司除外)提供的相同条款优先购买另一方的有关股权。
You knowledge that, subject to the provisions of the SFO and any Applicable Laws and Regulations, we may take the opposite position to your order in relation to any Futures and/or Options Contract, whether on our own account or for the account of any Affiliate or our agents or our other clients, provided that such trade is executed competitively on or through the facilities of the HKFE in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures of the HKFE or the facilities of any other commodity, futures or options exchange in accordance with the rules of such other Exchange
阁下确认吾等可在不抵触证券及期货条例及任何适用法律及法规的规定的情况下,不论是为吾等自身或为吾等的联属公司代理人或其他客户的账户,就任何期货及期权合约,采取与阁下的交易指示相反的交易指示,但该买卖必须是以公平竞争的方式,根据香港期货交易所的规则在香港期货交易所或透过香港期货交易所的设施而执行的,或是透过任何其他商品、期货或期权交易所的设施并 根据该等其他交易所的规则及规例而执行的。
The Company’s investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less any impairment losses.
We are of the view that the derivative investments made by the Company and its subsidiaries are closely related to their day-to-day operational requirements and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
上文第 67 款 (a)-(r) 列出的所有实体或个人在过去、现在、将来,直接的或间接的母公司(包括控股公司)、子公司、附属公司和合伙人(参照根据 1934 年证券交易法制定的美国证券交易委员会条款 12b-2 的相关规定),或者其所持股权达到 50% 以上的其他任何实体。
For each of the entities or persons in Paragraphs 67(a)-(r) above, each of their respective past, present, and future, direct and indirect, parents (including holding companies), subsidiaries, affiliates, and associates (all as defined in SEC Rule 12b-2 promulgated pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), or any other entity in which more than 50% of the equity interests are held.
For a legal entity, this should include full registered name and the location of all offices, branches or subsidiaries that are subject to sanctions.
让公司及其所有人、供应商和附属公司对(意外)健康和环境损害承担赔 偿责任,包括对风险管理承担赔偿责任,并因受害人死亡和对其健康造成的其他影响负责对受害人及其家属进行赔偿。
Make companies, their owners, suppliers and subsidiaries liable for (accidental) health and environmental damages, including a liability for risk management and a responsibility for compensating the victims and their families for death and other health effects.
上文第 67 款 (a)-(r) 列出的所有实体或个人在过去、现在、将来,直接的或间接的母公司(包括控股公司)、子公司、附属公司和合伙人(参照根据 1934 年证券交易法制定的美国证券交易委员会条款 12b-2 的相关规定),或者其所持股权达到 50% 以上的其他任何实体。
For each of the entities or persons in Paragraphs 67(a)-(r) above, each of their respective past, present, and future, direct and indirect, parents (including holding companies), subsidiaries, affiliates, and associates (all as defined in SEC Rule 12b-2 promulgated pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), or any other entity in which more than 50% of the equity interests are held.
Where the relevant activities occur in the course of operation of a branch, agency or any other establishment, the place where the branch, agency or any other establishment is located shall be treated as the place of habitual residence.
For a legal entity, this should include full registered name and the location of all offices, branches or subsidiaries that are subject to sanctions.