著作权 copyright
版权 copyright
著作权人 copyright owner
创作 creation
作品 opus/work
伪造 forge
自费出版 publish a book at the author’s own expense
著作人格权 right of personality of copyright
发表权 right of publication
署名权 right of authorship; right of paternity
修改权 right of modification; right of revision
完整性保持权 right to maintain integrity
不可侵犯权 inviolability
收回权 right of recall; right of retrieval
著作财产权 property right in work
使用收益分享权 right to share usufruct
利用权 right to make use of
获得报酬权 right to get payment
重播权 right of rebroadcasting
录制权 right of fixation
机械复制权 right of mechanograph; right of mechanical reproduction
著作邻接权 neighboring right of copyright
剽窃 plagiary; plagiarism
盗版 pirate
盗版VCD pirated VCD