场外交易(over-the-counter简称OTC)是场内交易的对称。亦称店头交易、直接交易、询价交易。在证券交易所之外所进行的证券交易。主要特点:(1)没有一个集中的交易场所,买卖双方分散于全国各地,买卖主要通过电话、计算机系统进行。(2)买卖对象以未上市证券为主,也有部分上市证券进行场外交易。(3)债券买卖较多,包括所有的政府公债和一些大公司债券,也有部分股票,特别是金融业和保险公司股票。(4)协商定价。为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Over-the-counter (OTC) refers to the process of how securities are traded for companies that are not listed on a formal exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Securities that are traded over-the-counter are traded via a broker-dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange. These securities do not meet the requirements to have a listing on a standard market exchange.
场内交易(transaction on exchange或 pit trading 或 floor trading),又称交易所交易,指所有的供求方集中在交易所进行竞价交易的交易方式。这种交易方式具有交易所向交易参与者收取保证金、同时负责进行清算和承担履约担保责任的特点。此外,由于每个投资者都有不同的需求,交易所事先设计出标准化的金融合同,由投资者选择与自身需求最接近的合同和数量进行交易。所有的交易者集中在一个场所进行交易,这就增加了交易的密度,一般可以形成流动性较高的市场。期货交易和部分标准化期权合同交易都属于这种交易方式。
(1)Moreover, they will enjoy some capital relief as more contracts are cleared centrally, freeing some of the buffer needed to back over-the-counter trades.
(2)The 1970s saw innovation in financial futures, the 1980s and 1990s in derivatives, and in the following decade innovation was around the structure and ownership of exchanges and went from pit trading to electronic trading, a move which brought more participants into the markets.