derivative action是指什么?
derivative action这一术语主要应用于英美法的公司制度中,可以翻译为“股东代表诉讼”,又称“派生诉讼”、“代位诉讼”,是指当公司怠于通过诉讼手段追究有关侵权人员的民事责任及实现其它权利时,具有法定资格的股东为了公司的利益而依据法定程序代公司提起的诉讼。它源于英国1864年东潘多铅矿公司诉麦瑞威泽案的判例。该案创设了这样一条规则:如果少数股东指控控制公司的人欺骗了公司,则该少数股东可以以公司的名义提起诉讼。
对于这一英美法术语,原文的解释应该更好消化,你可以参考我在legal dictionary里查到的对 derivative action这一法律术语的释义:
n. a lawsuit brought by a corporation shareholder against the directors, management and/or other shareholders of the corporation, for a failure by management. In effect, the suing shareholder claims to be acting on behalf of the corporation, because the directors and management are failing to exercise their authority for the benefit of the company and all of its shareholders. This type of suit often arises when there is fraud, mismanagement, self-dealing and/or dishonesty which are being ignored by officers and the board of directors of a corporation.