举证责任是指当事人对自己提出的主张有收集或提供证据的义务,并有运用该证据证明主张的案件事实成立或有利于自己的主张的责任,否则将承担其主张不能成立的危险。从法律上看,其具有以下特征: 首先,举证责任总是与一定的法律职责和义务相联系;比如,民事诉讼的原告向法院起诉时其必须承担提出证据证明诉讼事项的义务。其次,举证责任总是与一定的法律风险相联系。也就是说,它既包括行为责任即举出证据证明主张成立的责任,也包括结果责任,即负有证明责任的主体,如果不履行该责任,或在事实真伪不明时就要承担其主张不能成立的风险,比如:原告向法院提起诉讼,但不能提出充足的证据证明事实存在,就可能不被法院受理或被驳回诉讼请求。 该词的英文为“burden of proof ”,为了更好的理解该词,以下是该词的英文释义:Burden of proof is a legal standard that requires parties to demonstrate that a claim is valid or invalid based on facts and evidence. Burden of proof is typically required of one party in a claim, and in many cases the party that is filing a claim is the party that must demonstrate that the claim is valid.
(1)The concept of fitness for purpose is a not technical concept, it is a legal concept: it means that in case the product does not function properly, even if the product is defective, then Party A will be liable no matter what. As a consequence, this warranty shifts the burden of proof onto the supplier. Meaning that if there is a cable breakdown, it is up to Party A to that its products were not defective, which in reality is very difficult as establishing a negative proof is quasi impossible.
(2)Other sensible ideas under discussion include capping damages and strengthening the existing public-interest and fair-comment defenses-in effect shifting the burden of proof.