Hire Purchase Agreement的中文意思为“租购合约、分期付款购买协议(合同)、分期付款租购协议(合同)”,租购是一种信贷购物的形式,买方可以用分期付款的方式先取得货品,待付清货款后便可正式拥有货品。有些货品比较昂贵,例如家具、汽车等,卖方通常容许买方以租购方式购买。一般租购的运作形式,是由卖方替买方安排财务机构先购买该货品,然后财务机构与买方签订租购合约,在租购合约,会列明买方须在指定期内,定时分期付清货款。在供款期内,买方只是租用货品,待租约期满后,买方有权根据租购合约上订明的售价选择是否购买该货品。当买方选择购买并付清货款后,便得到货品的拥有权。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是该词的英文释义:Hire purchase is an agreement whereby a person hires goods for a period of time by paying instalments, and can own the goods at the end of the agreement if all instalments are paid. Hire purchase agreements usually last between 2 and 5 years, the most common last 3 years. Under a hire purchase agreement, the consumer does not actually own the goods until the last instalment is paid, although they have full use of the goods throughout the repayment period.
(1) The interest of a vendor or lessor under any conditional sale agreement, lease, hire purchase agreement or other title retention arrangement other than an interest in a lease or hire purchase agreement which arose in the ordinary course of business;
(2) Ship exports in general to take orders for the construction, hire purchase, a large number of long-term orders and fewer deposit to recover the balance due to the enterprise potential problems. 船舶出口一般采取订单建造、分期付款,大量的长期订单和较少的定金给企业收回尾款埋下了隐患。