请问“Requirement Contract”具体指代哪种合同?

请问“Requirement Contract”具体指代哪种合同?


1 个回答

你想说的是“Requirements Contract”吧,这里的“Requirements”是复数。“Requirements Contract”是供应商或制造商与买方之间订立的合同,在该等合同中,供应商承诺在特定期限内按约定价格提供买方需要的全部特定产品或服务,且买方默示或明示承诺其只从供应商处购得产品或服务,就是按需购买,中文称为“需求合同”。顺便说一下,与其相反的是“Output Contract”,虽然也是供应商与买方之间签订的合同,但是买方承诺在特定期限内按约定价格购买供应商能够提供的全部产品或服务,且供应商只能向买方出售产品或服务,中文译为“产品包销合同”。上述两种合同,一种是以买方的需求为基础,一种是以供应商的生产量为基础,也就是说,合同没有规定确切的数量,那么对于是否违反合同规定比较难以判断,比如,水果店与果农订立了“Requirements Contract”,水果店向其他果农采购水果的,可以视为违约,但是,如果水果店决定不在上述果农处采购特定水果,是因为水果店对该水果没有需求,那么水果店可能不会视为违约。虽然合同没有规定确切的采购数量,但是《美国统一商法典》(Uniform Commercial Code)第2-306(1)条对按供应商的生产量或买方的需求衡量数量的情况作出了如下规定:

“(1) A term which measures the quantity by the output of the seller or the requirements of the buyer means such actual output or requirements as may occur in good faith, except that no quantity unreasonably disproportionate to any stated estimate or in the absence of a stated estimate to any normal or otherwise comparable prior output or requirements may be tendered or demanded.”





Subsection (1) deals with output and requirements contracts—contracts that measure quantity in terms of the seller's output or the buyer's requirements, rather than a definite amount. Under this subsection, an output or requirements term in a contract means the party's actual output or requirements as occur in good faith. The party may not, however, tender or demand a quantity that is unreasonably disproportionate to stated estimates or previous experience. If in good faith a party has no actual output or requirements, it has no duty to perform under the contract; in such cases, courts find that even substantial good faith reductions are not unreasonably disproportionate. In evaluating whether a reduction is made in good faith, courts distinguish between reductions "merely to curtail losses" (bad faith), see Official Comment 2, and reductions because of external events that threaten the viability of the entire undertaking (good faith). However, courts apply the unreasonably disproportionate limitation far more strictly to increases in requirements or output, finding substantial increases, even if made in good faith, to be impermissible.




