




“附件”通常译为Appendix,Annex或Attachment;“附录”通常译为Appendix;“附表”通常译为Schedule或 Exhibit





拟议预算不包括与目前对《工作人员细则》附录 D 进行的机构间审查有关的任何变动,因为这些修改将提交大会审议 (同上,第 33.11-33.16 段)。

The proposed budget does not include any changes related to the ongoing inter-agency review of appendix D to the Staff Rules, as these modifications will be presented to the General Assembly for consideration (ibid., paras. 33.11-33.16).


如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。

As noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).



Where legislation requires us to provide information to you on a durable medium, we will either send you an e-mail (with or without attachment) or send you a notification pointing you to information on our Website in a way that enables you to retain the information in print format or other format that can be retained by you permanently for future reference.


尽管本附表载有任何条文,倘根据本公司细则第 6(C)条第 8 段上述条文削减的换股价金额少于一仙,则不得对换股价作出调整,而因其他原因须作出的任何调整不得结转。

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Schedule, no adjustment shall be made to the Conversion Price in any case in which the amount by which the same would be reduced in accordance with the foregoing provisions of paragraph 8 in this Bye-law 6(C) would be less than one cent and any adjustment that would otherwise than be required to be made shall not be carried forward.
