涨停(Limit up),是一个证券市场术语。涨跌停板制度源于国外早期证券市场,是证券市场中为了防止交易价格的暴涨暴跌,抑制过度投机现象,对每支证券当天价格的涨跌幅度予以适当限制的一种交易制度,规定了交易价格在一个交易日中的最大波动幅度为前一交易日收盘价上下百分之几。即规定当日交易最高价格和最低价格。
跌停(Limit down),就是证券交易所给股票规定的每天都有一个跌幅的限度,即股票如果跌到最大的限度的-10%(或者-5%),就叫做跌停。
Limit up is the maximum amount a price is permitted to increase during one trading day. The term is often used in relation to the commodities futures markets, where regulators seek to prevent volatility from reaching extreme levels.
Limit down, by contrast, refers to the maximum permitted decline in one trading day. Both limit up and limit down prices are examples of circuit breakers—interventions employed by exchanges to help maintain orderly trading conditions.
A limit down is the opposite to a limit up, and it sets the maximum amount that the price of a stock or commodity futures contract will be allowed to decrease in a single trading session. Limit downs seek to prevent panic selling and market crashes. This is because, if more and more traders begin to sell in a panic, the price of the underlying commodity will decrease in line with increased supply and lower demand in the market.
According to revised rules from the SEC from 2012, market-wide circuit breakers are activated at the following levels versus the previous day’s close:
(1) A drop of 7% (Level 1)
(2) A drop of 13% (Level 2)
(3) A drop of 20% (Level 3)
If the market declines, triggering a Level 1 or Level 2 circuit breaker before 3:25pm ET, trading will be halted across the market for 15 minutes. Beyond 3:25pm will not halt trading. If a Level 3 is enacted with a 20% drop, trading will be halted for the rest of the day’s session.