Circuit Breaker的中文意思为“熔断机制,也叫自动停盘机制”,是指当股指波幅达到规定的熔断点时,交易所为控制风险采取的暂停交易措施。具体来说是对某一合约在达到涨跌停板之前,设置一个熔断价格,使合约买卖报价在一段时间内只能在这一价格范围内交易的机制。
A circuit breaker is a kind of regulatory measure that is used to temporarily halt trading on an exchange. Circuit breakers are in place to curb panic-selling. They are used both in broad market indexes, such as the S&P 500, as well as for individual securities. They exist in the United States, as well as in other countries around the world.
(1)Circuit breakers function automatically by stopping trading when prices hit predefined levels. For example, for the S&P 500, a circuit breaker may be triggered after a 7%, 13%, and 20% intraday move.
当价格达到预定水平时,熔断机制会通过停止交易来自动运行。例如,对于S&P 500,在盘中波动7%,13%和20%之后可能触发熔断机制。
(2)Some analysts believe that circuit breakers are disruptive and keep the market artificially volatile because they cause orders to build at the limit level and decrease liquidity. Critics of circuit breakers argue that if the market were allowed to move freely, without any halts, they would settle into a more consistent equilibrium.
A recent example of circuit breaker activity occurred on March 9, 2020, and again on March 12, 2020. On both of these days, circuit breakers were triggered at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In one instance, the DJIA fell more than 7% at the open, likely in response to the severity of the growing global coronavirus pandemic.