“But in offences that their punishment according to the law is life imprisonment or death penalty, if the accused does not personally introduce a lawyer, designating a lawyer for him/her is mandatory.
The Electoral Commission is composed of an attorney or a qualified citizen appointed by the National Assembly who acts as president, a citizen of reputable professional and moral status appointed by the National Assembly upon proposals of each legally existing party and an expert appointed by the National Assembly who acts as secretary for each of the governmental departments responsible for foreign trade, local administration and social communication.
选举委员会的组成如下:国民议会任命的一名律师或一 名合格公民担任主席;一名经合法政 党提名、国民议会任命的职业和道德品格高尚的公民;以及国民议会任命的一名 专家作为秘书,与负责外贸、地方行政和社会交流的各政府部门联络。
attorney除表示律师外还可表示检察官,如General Attorney或Attorney-General,即表示“总检察长”。
“The Commission shall also prepare and submit to the Attorney- General, at least once a year, a programme for the review of specified aspects of the law of Mauritius with a view to their reform or development.
该委员会还应至少每年一次,制定 并向总检察长提交 有关方案,用以审查毛里求斯法律的特定方面,以便求得改革 或发展。 ”
例如:The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified matter, as its attorney to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the seal of the Company.
本公司可以加盖印章之书面文件,一 般地 或就任何特定事项授权任何人士为其授权人代其签署契据及文 件,以及代其订立及签署合约,而该授权人代本公司签署及加盖其印章之所有契据均对本公司具约束力 ,并如同该契据已加 盖本公司印章之相同效力。
esquire(常缩写为esq.)是另一种相当重要的律师称谓,常被广泛应用于律师的名片和法院的文件之中,属书面语。现实生活中用的不多。esquire为尊称,常缩写为esq.,置于律师的姓名之后,如 David A. Frank esq.,即表示戴维·弗兰克律师。