capital contribution在合同中通常指“出资额”。出资额就是全体股东商定的投资额。可以与注册资本一致,也可以不一致(大于注册资本的作为资本溢价处理);可以与实收资本一致,也可不一致(注册资金允许分期投入)。
据题主的问题来看,可能是没太搞明白 capital 和 contribution的含义吧!
capital contribution在法律英语中常见的含义有两层:
①(合伙人以现金 、财产或劳务方式的)出资(额)
股东按照其已持有 的公司股份额,以各种方式向公司追加投资。资本追加仅增加股东对公司的投资额,并不增加其股份额,公司亦不因股东追加资本而向其发行相应金额的股票,从而使每一股份所代表的资本额增加。追加资本不构成公司收人。
例 PCG should pay a range of expenses (e.g. the Developer’s tax, the cost of providing the sixmonthly Cashflow Guarantee, and cost of its capital contribution) out of PCG’s own resources.
盈科应以本身资源应付多项开支 (例如发展商的税款、提供六个月流动现金担保的成本及其出资额的成本)。
例 Additional capital contribution by the Group during the year ended 31 March 1999, which amounted to approximately US$394,000, has not yet been verified as at 31 March 2010.
于二零一零年三月三十一日,江门市新会区扬名针织厂有限公司之经核实缴足资本约1,709,000美元,全数由本集团出资,本集团于截至一九九九年三月三十一日止年度内另再出资约39 4,000美元,惟于二零一零年三月三十一日尚未核实。
contribution一般在翻译中表示“捐款”“贡献”等含义,在法律英语翻译中也常常会遇到短语capital contribution,可以从几个方面梳理一下这个词汇的相关含义:
What Is a Capital Contribution?
A capital contribution is an act of giving money or assets to a company or organization.When an investor or partner gives money for your business, this is called a contribution. But this differs from another form of contribution, such as a loan.
A capital contribution is usually given by an investor or someone who's interested in partnering with your company. Depending on the agreement, the capital doesn't have to be paid back. But other contribution types require a debt from the business.This investor or partner wants some form of control, called equity. When a third-party offer money, they desire some form of control or partnership over your enterprise.
(a) Either Party may transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to the Company to any third party, provided that it first obtains the unanimous approval of the Board and the approval of the Approval Authority and complies with the provisions of this Article.
(b) When a Party (the “Disposing Party”) wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the “Notice”) to the other Party (the “Non-Disposing Party”). The Notice shall state that the Disposing Party wishes to make the transfer and shall specify the interest it wishes to transfer, the terms and conditions of the transfer, and the identity of the proposed transferee (the “Transferee”).
(c). Pursuant to the Capital Contribution Agreement, Nanhai Canmanage has agreed to contribute an amount of RMB130,333,102.44 to the capital of the Target Company, for 49% of the enlarged equity interests of the Target Company.
(d).The capital contribution amount will be included in the capital reserve of the Project Company.
① contribution:公司法中常用的一个单词,意思是出资,不同于其在普通英语中的意思(贡献、投稿、捐赠)。例句:When a Party wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice to the other Party.一方欲将其全部或部分注册资本出资额转让给第三方时,应向另一方提供书面通知。
② capital contribution:资本认购;资本摊缴